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EZMS national moment of force standard 100 N.m

Name of Standard:  EZMS national moment of force standard 100 N.m

Code designation: ECM 150-7/13-052

Year of publication: 2013

Department: nr. 8011 CMI LPM Praha

Guarantor: Ing. Petr Kašpar

Mode  Scope Uncertainty (k = 2)
Load sense right-handed
1 N·m – 100 N·m8·10-5
Load sense left-handed
1 N·m – 100 N·m8·10-5
The EZMS 100 N-m State Standard is designed for calibration of standard torque transducers up to 100 N-m in both right-hand and left-hand torque applications.
The standard was developed and constructed by the staff of the force and torque department of CMI LPM Prague under the direction of Ing. M. Chlumský for the needs of force torque standardization in the range up to 100 N-m. The production of parts was carried out in cooperation in MP NÁSTROJÁRNA in Úpice and in TZÚS TIS Praha. The standard was built in the laboratory of force and moment of force in Prague 5, V Botanice 4. It was put into operation in 2010. Through theoretical and experimental work in 2010-2012, the team of the force department managed to prepare the standard scientifically and technically for the announcement of the state standard, which was successfully carried out in 2013.
The calibration moment of the etalon is defined as the vector product of the force generated by the action of the earth's gravitational field on the load bodies of the etalon and the length of the etalon arm. The standard has two load cell systems. One system is for the realization of the right-hand moment of force and the other system is for the realization of the left-hand moment of force. Each system contains 26 bodies made of stainless austenitic steel. The arm is double reversible with the same length for each sense of moment of force. It is housed in an air bearing.
The moment of force generated by the standard is given by the equation:

Where stands for:



the power generated by the standard,



the weight of the load bodies,



the gravitational acceleration at the location of the load bodies,
l...........….length of the moment arm,



air density at the location of the load bodies,



density of load bodies.
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