Project name: Multifunctional nanocomposite polymer thin films with controlled surface and mechanical properties prepared in RF dust plasma
Project programme: Standard Projects
Project code: 19-15240S
Project provider: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project implementation: 1.3.2019 - 30.6.2022 (extended by 6 months)
Responsible project coordinator: RNDR. Vilma Buršíková, Ph.D., Masaryk University in Brno
Project coordinator of CMI: Mgr. Anna Charvátová Campbell, Ph.D.
Other project participants: Masaryk University in Brno
Project management summary: The aim of the project is to develop multifunctional nano-structured polymer-like layers using powder plasma in low-pressure high-frequency discharges. The object of study will be to find the optimal deposition conditions for the growth of the layers. Comprehensive diagnostics of the powder plasma is planned to enable the description of the processes occurring during deposition. The prepared layers will be extensively characterized both in terms of their structure (XPS, SIMS, RBD, ERDA, HRTEM, SEM, etc.) and their properties (e.g. ellipsometry, spectrophotometry, micro- and nano-imprint tests). The thermal stability of the layers will be studied by thermal desorption spectroscopy. The mechanical properties mapping method by AFM will be used to study the incorporation of dust particles into the amorphous polymer matrix. Development of multifunctional nano-structured polymer-like layers using powder plasma. Comprehensive characterization of powder plasma, structure, mechanical, optical, surface properties of nano-composite polymer layers.